College Essay Advice For Parents

It’s quite the process to allow your child to write an essay that reveals their true personalities, inexplicable passions, weird talents, favorite foods, sickest playlists, and undeniable quirks.  We believe the best college essay convinces the reader that she/he would make a great roommate. Our best advice for parents: step away from the keyboard.  You […]

Land Your Dream Job With Our Resume Services

The good news? Soon you’ll graduate from college and start your career! Less than good news? First you need to write a resume that reflects your entire work experience and your personality to land your dream job. Sounds easy enough. But, let’s be honest, getting the chronology right and then trying to summarize all those jobs without […]

Creative Writing Improves Your Mood

Feeling Blue? Get Creative! It dawns on me, during unprecedented times, we might need help trudging forward until we see the light again. I am here to offer one way to move closer to that light: creative writing improves your mood. My students, friends, family, and co-workers prove time and time again that using their […]

The Benefits of an Online Tutor for English

The disruption from the pandemic is real. Students of all ages are feeling overwhelmed. If your student is like any of my students, they need more support than they are currently being given in a Remote Academy learning situation.  It’s not because English isn’t being taught with the same rigor and massive efforts by teachers […]

Private Schools Hold New Attraction for Rich Parents – The New York Times

If you or your student are thinking about an alternative to distanced/remote learning, NYTimes reports you’re not the only one looking at private schools! Now’s the perfect time to get essay help from Write Coach. Check out How to Crush your Prep School Admissions Essay In the Northeast, it’s boom time. Thirty-six percent schools in New […]

Top Tips for College Supplemental Essays

Last week, I talked about the best 6 ways to prep your high school senior for writing College Supplemental Essays: Do your research (don’t limit it to the major you think you want) Express “some interest” in a major versus choosing undecided Delve into how a college program matches your interests Demonstrate you GET the school’s “culture” […]

How to Crush your Prep School Admissions Essay!

Many students who attended a private secondary school had fulfilling experiences, making new friends from all over the world, learning how to debate, picking up a new language, figuring out physics is not really that hard, and trying new sports like cross-country skiing through a snow-capped bird sanctuary. “Preps” had new personal responsibilities and tried their best […]

Better Writing, Better Grades

Not all kiddos learn the same way and with hybrid models forcing students to learn online, many parents are worried that their children will lose ground in their education. I feel your pain because I’m a parent, too. It’s why I conduct in-person coaching in a well-ventilated, air-purified space while wearing a mask and following […]

How to Nail Your Supplemental College Essays

Fall brings apple picking, flu shots, and pumpkin spice in places you least expect. For high school seniors, add the angst of Supplemental Essays. We’re not talking about the Personal Essay posted on the Common App for all to see. This is about those hidden but critical Supplemental Essays found within college websites that are […]

My First Book: A Journey

A good friend of mine asked me recently about what inspired me to begin this business of coaching writers. It was actually a bit of a round about way.  I come from a big, fun family of five kids in which every day was jammed with activities and Hostess snacks. Plowing through book series like Nancy Drew, The Hardy […]